Q: How has the crisis affected your everyday life?

A: More time spent indoors, more flexible work hours, crafty projects, house cleaning

Q: How has the crisis affected your practice?

A: Has actually been a (ironic) godsend for my practice. Increased time indoors and with myself has created the friction necessary to get my art going again.

Q: How has the crisis affected you economically?

A: Prefer not to respond

Q: What is the role of culture in a time of crisis?

A: If, by culture, you mean art and creativity – I feel it is the thing we often turn to when we have nothing else (i.e. proximity, family, jobs, etc.). If, by culture, you mean your local community -then it becomes our role to sustain one; even if it’s through small gestures like waving hello or visiting a friend using a 6 foot measuring stick. As cliche as it sounds, we gotta stay together, even when we’re apart.


Name: Juju
Age: 27
Occupation: Designer