No Shelter
We could hear the nest for nearly a week. Those faint, plaintive squeaks that would erupt for a few moments then fall silent, just soft enough and irregular enough to distinguish small and young life from the background whistles, chirps, and cackles of suburban birds in spring. We tried, unsuccessfully, to locate the nest, scanning the nearby trees and rooftops …
Essay’d Pandemic Edition #5 – James D. Fuson on Macomb Regional Correctional Facility … UPDATED 5/28
Our fifth “Pandemic Edition” features a message from James D. Fuson (the subject of Essay’d Installment #122) on how the coronavirus is spreading in Macomb Regional Correctional Facility. Detroit Cultural Crisis SurveyJames D. Fuson on Macomb Regional Correctional FacilitySent by e-mail Update 5/15/2020 Subject: Prisoner Antibody Testing. “On May 11th, they locked down the facility. Health service, with the National Guard in tow, came around …
Fred Williams on Dying for Six Feet of Distance
April 26, 2020. People are dying in prison; good-natured incarcerated men and women are dying. People who could have successfully completed the terms of parole a long time ago. People who could have by now been in the nursing field, bus drivers, or even factory workers, producing masks. These men are sick and not being treated adequately; I’m not surprised …